The Annecy Animation Film Festival took place from 11 to 17 June. Over time, it has become a central point of reference for the animation industry. This year, winning the Cristal Award, along with the Gan Foundation Award for Distribution, was Linda veut du poulet! (Chicken for Linda!) by Chiara Malta, Sébastien Laudenbach, presented for the first time in the Animation Showcase at MIA 2022.
A French-Italian co-production, the hand-painted animated comedy is produced by Dolce Vita Films (Marc Irmer), Miyu Productions (Emmanuel-Alain Raynal), Palosanto Films (Flaminio Zadra), distributed by Gebeka Films and Charades, and selected by GKIDS for North America.
The story is about a day of strike action in France, which is the backdrop to the vicissitudes of a mother desperately trying to keep her promise to cook her daughter a chicken with peppers. It will arrive in cinemas on 18 October 2023.
“It was incredible to be here to present the film, there is a lot of pressure because presenting an animated film in front of people who also make films, it makes you think we will be judged on all aspects,” said one of the two directors, Sébastien Laudenbach.
This year Annecy‘s accredited visitors numbered some 16,000, setting a record for its 47th edition.