Minerva Pictures, which in recent years has developed one of the most solid expertise with respect to the use of digital and audiovisual content at the European level, has decided to open up even more to the exploration of this sector through NFT. Precisely as a function of the famous non-fungible tokens, which are capturing the attention of collectors, investors and creatives, the historic independent company has signed a partnership agreement with Public Pressure.
A rising star of NFT marketplaces dedicated to the recording and audiovisual industry internationally, it is founded by Francesca Versace, Giulia Maresca, Sergio Mottola and Alfredo Violante. Public Pressure’s mission is to support artists and brands in the creation and distribution of NFT to fans and collectors. The platform is built on the Polkadot ecosystem and is led by a team of record experts, most notably, Charlie Rapino, Paul Sears and Patrick Moxey.
Also going in this direction, Minerva Pictures has inaugurated a partnership with RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, focused on engaging RUFA students to create NFTs drawn from Minerva content through workshops, contests and exams.
The project will be supervised and curated by Prof. Bruno Di Marino, curator, visual arts expert, university lecturer and historian of the moving image. A new step toward experimenting with new forms of fruition, promotion and enhancement of creative work, especially audiovisual work.

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