Letterboxd, 10 million account app wins over even Scorsese

Box Office Nov. 27 – Dec. 3. C’è ancora domani still at the top

Box Office Nov. 20-26. Napoleon doesn’t make it to dominate the podium. C’è ancora domani wins again

Italian Box Office Nov. 13-19. Cortellesi not yet ousted

Italian Box Office Nov. 06-12. ‘C’è ancora domani’ reaches 13 million euros

Italian Box Office Oct. 30-Nov. 05. ‘C’è ancora domani’ surpasses 7 million euros

Italian Box Office 23-29 October. Gold medal for C’è ancora domani

Box Office October 16-22. Me Contro Te beats Scorsese and wins the top spot

Box Office October 9-15. Halloween atmospheres with The Exorcist and A Haunting in Venice on the podium

Box Office Semptember 11-17. A Haunting in Venice, a stellar second place

Box Office September 4-10. Oppenheimer still on top of podium