The shooting of ZeroZeroZero, the new original Sky series directed by Stefano Sollima, taken from Roberto Saviano’s homonymous novel Saviano, has begun. Will it be a new success like Gomorra?
ZeroZeroZero, a production that already counts with a wide international presence: three continents, six countries and six languages (Italian, English, Spanish, French, Wolof and Arabic). A story taken from the hand of the globally acclaimed author Roberto Saviano, with all the ingredients seem to be there so as to bring life to a new cult series. A road that was opened by Gomorra, which after its film adaptation saw an even greater success with Gomorra – La serie. Sky, then, bets again.
The eight-month-shooting production will involve Cattleya for Sky, CANAL+, and Amazon. After the first shooting in New Orleans, the team will move to Mexico to then land in Italy and Africa. Among the world-wide famous cast, we will find the British actress Andrea Riseborough, along with Dane DeHann, Gabryel Byrne, and Harold Torres. Among the Italians, Giuseppe De Domenico and Francesco Colella.
ZeroZeroZero will be broadcasted in Italy in 2019, and it is also planned to be aired in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France (together with the Francophone countries in Europe and Africa), the USA, Canada, Latin America and Spain.