From November 22 to 24, a series of thematic panels are being held at Roma Tre University that have seriality as their main theme and called “Teorie, Pratiche e Testi delle Serie Audiovisive”. An appointment that emphasizes the centrality of the TV series and its qualitative and productive evolution in recent years.
Three intense days to be held at DAMS, Via Ostiense 139, AULA 6 that will feature more than 50 papers in thematic panels. Speakers will include Pia Majbritt Jensen, (Aarhus University), Alexander Dohest (Antwerp University), Luisa Cotta Ramosino (Director of Italian Series, Netflix), among others.
From early serial cinema to podcasts, TV shows, TV formats, and streaming: also through the three-day event organized by Roma Tre, two evenings will also take place at the Palladium Theater. “Due volte che sono morto” with Paolo Nori, at 9 p.m.-in collaboration with Chora Media and RaiPlaySound and “Crash between fiction and reality. Masterclass by Cristiana Farina,” in conversation with Giorgio Grignaffini (Editorial Director Taodue film, IULM University of Milan) – Thursday, Nov. 23, 9 p.m.
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